Art and design
Collage scheme of work Year 3, 4, 5, 6
An art scheme of work complete with lesson screens and visual images for inspiration and guidance. Based on Henri Rousseau and Jeanie Baker. Complements topic on Rain forests and/or habitats. Suitable for Year 3, 4 and 5 but can be adapted for year 6.
Key Skills assessment recording documents - Art - Primary Age Range
Key Stage 1, Lower and Upper Key Stage 2 - Assessment of key skills for PE - Can use RAG rating or adapt as your school sees fit for assessments of the key skills within the curriculum. Curriculum 2014 Key Skills.
Coverage documents also available for download.
Pop Art Planning - Year 3, 4, 5
Unit of work for Pop Art theme. Skills worked on include proportion, different media and paint techniques.
Objectives for National Curriulum 2014. Focus on Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Where PowerPoints are mentioned I found on internet for free but have not uploaded as not my own work - you may find one that suits what you require.
Art - Year 1 and 2 - Painting Monet
Unit of work, resources (images) and a presentation. Developing painting skills based on the artist Monet.
Key Skills Art - Key Stages 1 and 2
Key Skills for coverage throughout Primary age range - Years 1 and 2, Year 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6. Use to analyse coverage of your curriculum or in curriculum design to ensure coverage.
New Curriculum 2014
3D Artwork Scheme of Work - Clay Modelling - Diva Lamps
A scheme of work building skills to build a diva lamp as the end product.
Focus on using clay and developing skills of rolling, pinching and adding patterns using modelling tools.
Powerpoint slide wth images and success criteria also suitable for adapting to your end product.
This scheme could be adapted by adding further skills for Key Stage 2 ie adding other materials.